WRIGHT-Way® Tractor Drives
Product Overview
The Wright-Way electric tractor is a highly efficient powered auxiliary drive unit or horizontal movement of hoist or other equipment along standard “I”, “WF” or patented track beams.
Other applications are to provide power for operating doors or acting as units for conveyor lines and cranes.
Through a speed reduction, the drive action of the motor is transmitted to a rubber tire wheel which is spring loaded to provide steady traction as it rolls against the underside of the track.
One standard unit runs on standard “I” beams and “WF” beams with flange widths of 3” minimum, 7” maximum. Another standard unit will operate on patented track with 2, 3 ¼, or 3.33” flange. Both models will negotiate a 30” curve. In addition, the patented track model will operate through switches and turntables.