ACCOLIFT® Low Headroom Hoists
Product Overview
The Accolift and Accolift CLH models are available in low headroom configurations. The headroom refers to the base of the hook to the part of the beam/track where the hoist attaches. Close headroom hoists accommodate low headroom applications as well as building restrictions within the industrial world. Available in 1 & 2 ton models (clutch hoist | CLH) or 3 & 5 ton models (mechanical load brake | MLB), depending on the capacity needed, we can design a low head room hoist suitable for your specific application.
Equipped with the same features as the traditional Accolift hoists, the Accolift Low Headroom Hoists come standard with the following features:
- Hoist Motor Brake is conical ( 1 & 2 ton models)
- DC Brake (3 & 5 ton models)
- Friction Clutch and Upper Limit Switch (1T & 2T models)
- Weston Style Mechanical Load Brake (3T & 5T models)
- Push Button Controls
- Electric Control Panel Available with Variable Frequency Drive (VFD)
- Heavy-Duty Hoist Motor rated for 30-minute duty
- Load Sheave / Chain Guide
- Grade 80 load chain
- Forged carbon steel hook with a heavy-duty hook latch
- Chain Container
- Gearbox with alloy steel helical and spur gear reduction
ACCOLIFT® LOW HEADROOM Electric Chain Hoists are available with options:
- Additional Lift
- Nickel Plated Load Chain
- Rain Covers for Hoist and Control Enclosure
- 48V Control Voltage
- Additional Pendant Buttons